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Rent Our
Teleconference System's easy and affordable

Using our state-of-the-art teleconference system, we host hundreds of TeleForums for/with our clients on a monthly basis. In addition, we also rent our teleconference system...the same one that we use when we work with companies and organizations who have offices or teams that are geographically dispersed. This is the process you use to rent our teleconference system:

Teleconference Rental Form

Please reserve this teleconference and send me an invoice

Please send me pricing information for the call below

Please send me pricing information on your "Train-The-Trainer" for teleconferences

Your Name:

Your Company Name:

E-mail Address:

The Date Of Your Call (if known):

The Time Of Your Call (if known) converted to New York Time:

Expected Number Of Participants:

Best Telephone Number To Reach You:

Please send me the list of 30 teleconference skills

Comments or Questions:

We are happy to help you and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to reserve your teleconference. After we receive this Teleconference Rental Form we'll send you price information based on your needs, along with payment instructions.

1. When you need to rent/schedule a teleconference call or would like to request pricing information, please complete the Teleconference Rental Form to the right.

2. Once we receive payment, we will give you a telephone number to use for your teleconference call and instructions for the participants.

3. In terms of capacity, our teleconference system can easily handle 30, 150, 500 and/or 5000 participants. Our system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and does not require operator assistance.

4. All teleconference calls begin and end at the top of the hour, unless other arrangements have been made.

5. We can easily reserve more time per call or more participants per call…just tell us what you need. Please know, a teleconference call with any major telephone company would easily cost $500-$2500 or more per hour, to host a similar number of participants.

6. We provide a convenient and affordable “Train-The-Trainer” program to maximize the results of each teleconference call.

“Train-The-Trainer” for Teleconferences

To maximize the results of your teleconference calls we will train up to 25 teleconference leaders/facilitators within your company or organization. This training is delivered by telephone (of course!) during four 60-minute teleconference calls. During these four training calls, we will cover the 30 skills, techniques and procedures required before, during and after a teleconference call/meeting.

Once we have completed these 30 important skills, techniques and procedures it will be time to schedule your first series of teleconference calls. We will be joining these initial calls...generally three or four, to insure the quality of the skills, communication and procedures are in place. After each teleconference is complete, we will then spend 20-30 minutes with you and/or your team to de-brief, to summarize the key points shared, to recap the follow-up/action steps to be taken as a result of your call and to offer any suggestions/improvements on the teleconference itself.

If you would like to see a listing of the 30 skills for hosting a successful teleconference call, please complete the Teleconference Rental Form on the right.

We also provide a wide variety of Train-The-Trainer programs on 100+ important business topics.


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